in today's times more and more often you hear of a man: that he does not want a serious relationship.
let's Look reasons why men say so:
⠀– freedom. yes, every man in the first place appreciates and maintains his freedom. If we are not in a relationship, we are not limited to tapping into intercourse with the opposite sex. We all do what we want. And since in them a framework will be set themselves, probably, also the established stereotypes of society.
the desire to be free also comes from the fact that the man in previous relationships exposed harsh pressure on the part of women. And that would not go back there to hard discomfort, he completes all attempts to < span> to start a new relationship.
Concrete goals in life. well, many people think about business, personality development, these topics at the height of popularity. You often hear them say,"I don't have time for a relationship."
just as it is when a person goes to his destination, then spends most of their time and energy, thereby giving priority to all health matters. We all know that on relationships you have to work, and if man has less time to do his own thing, and devotes more of his time to the girl he is much in danger of not achieving the desired. Which greatly influenced his condition and his future. ⠀
monotony. < span>sometimes men are severely frustrated in the relationship for the reason that the girl stops developing or he under his influence meets up with himself. This scenario works and in the opposite direction if a man does not evolve and this pulls the girl a goal herself. Relationships develop into Routine, with silly squabbles and scandals on the same subject. If people live the same scenario several times in a row, then they will hardly ever want to have a relationship.
– Negative in relation to female gender. < span>there are men who hate Jaro women, they are also called ghenonenavistnikami. This is due to the bad experience in the past. When a guy wanted to meet up with a girl and she turned him down. Such guys are weak, and instead of that would work on themselves they are full of resentment and try different ways to somehow insult and humiliate women. Such people rarely change, so I see no reason to prove anything to them and try to transform.
However, there is a secret method how it affects the man.
should not react harshly and pay attention to your words. Every guy now turn to the reasons for which he does not want a serious relationship.
his words only mean that they have not yet formed any feelings in it. That's why it's up to you.
I just want to ask not all girls to develop in these guys fears. especially the negatives. But instead there are many steep paths as you otshit nice guy doing, do not be offended. Analyze and consider all these causes. Your future relationships need to bring you joy but not be hard work for both.
i just want to hear your opinion why men say this phrase?
sign up and sit down Laika. I would be very grateful to you )